Make the most of rule changes that are there to help you as you age

Key Points

  • There are many Government rule changes that kick in when you reach age milestones.

  • To make the most of the rule changes, you need to be ready to act and understand how to get benefit.

  • Many Australians are missing out - because there is much to know, information is hard to find, and nobody is going to tell you.

  • We focus on retirement, and we focus on helping our clients make the most of the rules as they apply to them, and we mobilise quickly to help our clients navigate complex situations.

A roadmap of rule changes and decisions that impact you as you age

Age based government rules start at 55 and continue with important changes at age 60, 65, 67 and 75.

There is just so much to know, and many are missing out.

The Government makes rules and offers entitlements to help Australians as they age, however finding out about them, and understanding how to make the most of these rules is out of reach of many Australians.

A retirement focussed service will bring this together and help you get the most out of retirement.

Take a look at my presentation and look out for information that may be relevant to you and your situation.

We work with tried and tested, long term investment partners to set up your investments, then work with you over retirement to make sure the system is working for you in the way it has been designed.

By knowing you and your situation well, we are able to bring deep knowledge and experience to you when your situation requires it.

Contact us on 9173 8560 if you want to discuss your situation.


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